Chesapeake Employers' Annual Report

Chesapeake Employers' Insurance Company has specialized in providing workers' compensation insurance to Maryland businesses since 1914. As the largest writer of workers' compensation insurance in Maryland, Chesapeake Employers continues to offer an array of consumer-driven products and services that generate value for our policyholders and ensure accurate and timely benefits for injured workers.
With a fully integrated safety and benefits delivery system, and a focus on quality medical care with a return-to-work objective, Chesapeake Employers' system is designed to work with policyholders and their injured employees. Our industry-specific safety consultants are trained to work with a company's top management team to build customized workplace health and safety programs in an effort to reduce the frequency and severity of workplace accidents, as well as, secure an overall safer work environment while containing premiums.
Our Vision
To be the best workers' compensation insurance carrier in Maryland.
Our Mission
To provide Maryland businesses with a readily available source for workers' compensation insurance that features high quality products and services at a fair price; and to protect workers and employers by championing workplace safety.