Have a billing question?
Call our Customer Service department at 1-800-264-4943.
Each day we work hand-in-hand with our medical provider community. We are happy to assist you with billing issues, concerns or delays, electronic bill submissions, electronic funds transfers, working with Jopari eBill, and more.
Submit medical bills and attachments to Chesapeake Employers through Jopari eBill. If you would like to submit medical bills and records directly to Chesapeake Employers, please mail them to: P.O. Box 9899 Baltimore, MD 21284-9899. If you should need further assistance, contact our Medical Payments Customer Service at 1-800-264-4943, option 4, then 2.
*Jopari payer ID J1908
Chesapeake Employers will process through our Pharmacy Benefits Manager (PBM) all costs associated with pharmacy- and physician-dispensed medications. Below are four methods by which providers may submit invoices for pharmacy- and physician-dispensed medications for reimbursement.
Email: MMXPaper1@ddinbound.com
Fax: 732-813-1425
USPS Mailing Address:
Data Dimensions
P.O. Box 2996
Clinton, IA 52733-2996
Courier Package (e.g. UPS, FedEx, etc.):
Data Dimensions
Mailstop: MM-ESI 138002 ONSHORE
1315 19th Ave., N.W.
Clinton, IA 52732
A Virtual Credit Card Payment can be processed through the medical provider's merchant terminal as a standard credit card transaction.
Virtual Payments offer faster payments, easier reconciliation, and fewer trips to the bank. Medical providers will receive funds promptly and in the same manner as other credit card transactions processed through a merchant terminal.
For more information, see the Virtual Credit Card Payment FAQs.
To request a different form of payment, please contact Provider Services at 888-704-0067, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Submitted incorrect form, or submitted incomplete or inaccurate information
We are unable to accept handwritten forms. Medical services must be submitted on a CMS-1500 for provider submission, UBO4 for hospital bill submission, or an ADA dental form. Prior to submitting a bill and to avoid processing delays, please review the form to ensure all required fields are accurately completed.
A current W-9 form
is not on file
The W-9 form provides validation of taxpayer identification number and provides the current remittance address to Chesapeake Employers. This information is used to match the bill submission taxpayer identification number and remittance address on the billing forms.
Bill submitted without appropriate authorization
You should obtain an authorization number from the Pre-certification department for any service that requires prior approval. For services requiring prior approval please click here.
The Jopari eBill service gives Medical Providers the ability to submit electronic bills and attachments to Chesapeake Employers.
Sign Up for Jopari eBill