Board Nominations & Elections

The 2025 Annual Meeting of Policyholders for Chesapeake Employers will take place in June 2025. During this meeting, policyholders will have the opportunity to participate in the election of two individuals to serve on the Chesapeake Employers' Board of Directors. 

Each member of the Board of Directors must be a resident of the State of Maryland and cannot be an employee of Chesapeake Employers’ or the Injured Workers Insurance Fund. To the extent practicable, the Board of Directors must reflect the geographic and demographic, including race and gender, diversity of the State of Maryland. 

The two Director nominees at the 2025 annual meeting of policyholders must have the following qualifications:  

  • Both directors must have substantial experience as officers or employees of an insurer, but may not be employed by an insurer that is in direct competition with Chesapeake Employers  

The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee of the Board of Directors will assess all nominees’ qualifications, judgement, experience, independence, understanding of the insurance industry, and other factors that it determines are pertinent. Desired attributes of a Director nominee include: demonstrated breath and dept of management and leadership experience; integrity and demonstrated high ethical standards; the ability to devote sufficient time to prepare for and attend board meetings; and diversity in gender, ethnic background, personal and professional experience, viewpoints and other demographics.  

The Nomination & Election Process

We have provided a general timeline for how the process will unfold.

December 2, 2024: Application & Nomination Process Opens

Applications will be accepted to fill two (2) seats on Chesapeake Employers' Board of Directors.

December 2, 2024: Application & Nomination Process Opens

Applications will be accepted to fill two (2) seats on Chesapeake Employers' Board of Directors.

January 2, 2025: Application & Nomination Process Closes

At the close of the application process, applications will be reviewed by the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee of Chesapeake Employers' Board of Directors with the full Board then recommending applicants to be placed on the ballot.


January 2, 2025: Application & Nomination Process Closes

At the close of the application process, applications will be reviewed by the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee of Chesapeake Employers' Board of Directors with the full Board then recommending applicants to be placed on the ballot.


March 2025: Voting Begins

How to cast your vote


Follow the instructions that will be provided in the separate proxy card you will receive in the mail. Proxy will be mailed in March 2025, to each policyholder's address on record.


Send your completed and signed proxy card to the address on your proxy card.


Ballots will be provided to anyone who attends and wants to vote at the Annual Meeting.

For those who wish to attend the Annual Meeting in person, you must preregister by sending an email, including your name and title, the policyholder name and policy number, and the member and election passcode printed on your proxy card.

March 2025: Voting Begins

How to cast your vote


Follow the instructions that will be provided in the separate proxy card you will receive in the mail. Proxy will be mailed in March 2025, to each policyholder's address on record.


Send your completed and signed proxy card to the address on your proxy card.


Ballots will be provided to anyone who attends and wants to vote at the Annual Meeting.

For those who wish to attend the Annual Meeting in person, you must preregister by sending an email, including your name and title, the policyholder name and policy number, and the member and election passcode printed on your proxy card.

June 2025: Annual Meeting of Policyholders

All votes will be tallied and announced at the annual meeting and two (2) new Directors will be added to the Board of Directors effective immediately following the annual meeting.

June 2025: Annual Meeting of Policyholders

All votes will be tallied and announced at the annual meeting and two (2) new Directors will be added to the Board of Directors effective immediately following the annual meeting.